
Engineering & interface management

11 June 2021

For all offshore energy projects the initial engineering phase is the critical phase. Engineering decisions determine the project’s execution and…

Design reviews & due diligence

Key in our consultancy services are technical Design reviews and due diligence for existing infrastructure. These reviews aim for project…

Decision support, combining technical issues & economics

For projects starting from scratch, Enersea prefers to follow a comprehensive decision model supported with technical and economic evaluations (CAPEX,…

R&D for proprietary designs

We excel in translating ideas into feasible designs with today’s technology. Innovation does not necessarily require new technology; it often…

Offshore infrastructure installation equipment and structures

Enersea offers a wide range of structural designs services, including all: Cable Installation equipment and structures Deck lay-outs & design

Offshore Fixed – & floating structures

Harvesting offshore energy requires a fixed or floating structure which can withstand the harsh environmental conditions. At the same time…

Special structures

In designing special structures the limits of feasibility have always been challenged or even pushed. Installation methods play a key…

Asset development studies

Having an integrated overview of the complete supply chain and combining this with sound client understanding allows us to provide…

Marginal field developments

Particularly in mature areas such as the North Sea the ability of developing prospects requires certain innovations in order to…

Process design and simulations

The core of all Production systems is the process system. In essence, all items around it are in-place to support…

“Those who are innovative see more. They dig deeper where others won’t. They see opportunities and solutions where others don’t. They sea the future.”
The Enersea team